Teach For America
Work as part of the team continuously updating and repairing the Teach For America website.
Created a reporting module for the site's Story content.
Team member on the Story Upgrade and Alumni Director projects.
New York Senate Technical Services
nysenate.gov the website for the New York Senate strives to increase public participation in the legislative process. By facilitating efficient communication between individual New Yorkers and their senators.
Implemented the Legislation section of the web site as the Law content type. Law pages are regularly synchronized with and mirror legislation.nysenate.gov the official system of record for nys laws.
Implemented the nys_statute module to display New York State Laws for the Law content type’s approximately 42000 pages.
Implemented the nys_statute_import module, a series of drush commands for managing and reporting on Law pages. The modules update-all-statutes command imports and updates pages in the Law content type.
Implemented the nys_statute_delete module to delete some or all Law pages before are re-importing and syncing. This is needed periodically to remove a whole law id because of a structural data changes.
Created the nys_statutes_feature drupal features module containing the configuration of the Law content type and its associated fields.
Implemented the School content type and a data importer for school data. School data is used in student submission forms.
Created the nys_schools drupal features module containing the configuration of the School content type and its associated fields.
Implemented the nys_school_importer module to import or update batches of schools into the School Content Type. The Source of the import is a set of .csv files. Senate district data on each school comes from the nys sage system.
Responsive Images
Implemented a sub system of modules and configuration that provides Adaptive Images and Lazy Loading, as well as Retina and webp enhanced images on supported web browsers.
Created the nys_pictures drupal features module which contains the configurations for the 175 Breakpoints, 18 Breakpoint Groups, 175 Image Styles and 18 Picture Mappings used by the Breakpoints and Picture modules for the 18 supported image sizes.
Implemented the nys_picture custom drupal module. The module contains commands that run each day looking for newly added webp images and converts them from jpeg or whatever format they are in to the webp format so they can be downloaded faster and reduce page loading time. The module also contains several reports and commands to identify and manage image files.
Created a Patch to add support for the images mime type in the html5 picture markup generated by the contributed Picture module.
Migration Research
Research on Drupal 8 migration requirements for the nysenate.gov site. Identified and documented available migration tools and methods in the nys wiki. Experimentally migrated nodes, field data and taxonomies.
Quality Initiatives
Removal of miscellaneous warnings.
Repeatedly repaired groups of warning and error messages emanating from nys custom drupal modules and theme templates. The sheer number of warning messages was diluting the ability to use the dblog to find more serious problems because of hundreds or thousands of duplicate warning messages.
The process used was to use the workout and exerciser modules to load and render pages. This would create lots of error and warning messages. The grouper reporting module was then used to aggregate all the similar warning and error messages and to identify and repeat the most prevalent issues which were then repaired. The exerciser, workout and grouper modules were contributed by Seth Snyder to drupal.org for any drupal site to utilize (see below) in the issue identification process.
Elimination of duplicate url aliases
Developed set of sql commands to eliminate of duplicate url aliases which were making up 70% of the url alias table in the database.
Developed Modules or commands that that are diagnostic, reports or audit quality.
The audit-report command in the nys_statute_import module is a set of seven reports about statutes. The audit-all-statutes command compares the quantity of laws of each Law ID between the 2 systems The identify command in the nys_picture module reports on property’s of image files like size etc.
The enhanced-styles-report command in the nys_picture module reports on enhanced image styles. The enhanced-file-report command in the nys_picture module reports on style derivatives of images. The enhanced-styles-summary-report command in the nys_picture module reports on image types. The not-on-server command in the file_audit module reports Managed Files not on the server.
The not-in-db command in the file_audit module reports on files that are not Managed Files.
The statutes-report in the nys_statute_import Compares the number of laws for each Law ID between the openly system of record and the nays web sites law pages. Differences are displayed.
Ongoing site development and maintenance on the nysenate.gov website.
Drupal.org is the official website for Drupal software and the repository of around 46,000 contributed Open Source software projects.
Created three Drupal modules for reproducing and analyzing errors on drupal pages.
Grouper Drupal module: https://www.drupal.org/project/grouper
Grouper aggregates and reports on the php warnings and error messages gathered by Drupals dblog watchdog module when errors occur. Multiple identical errors on the same page are counted and and listed on single line representing the issue and how many times it occurred on a page. This replaces hundreds or thousands pages of error messages with a single page prioritized by the quantity of errors. Attempts to prevent the severe data overload of all the separate messages on the current dblog page.
Exerciser Drupal module: https://www.drupal.org/project/exerciser
Exerciser is a set of drush commands used to flush out error and warning messages that get created when pages are rendered for viewing. Exerciser Exercises (renders) every page of a content type. Exerciser can load pages on the same drupal server its loaded on or another server for the same site.
Workout Drupal module: https://www.drupal.org/project/workout
Workout is a set of drush commands used to flush out error and warning messages that get created when pages are rendered for viewing. Workout Attempts to Exercise / Load every public page on a site anonymously. Exerciser can load pages on the same server its loaded on or another server for the same site.
Implemented the Link DND Field Formatter Module for Drupal 7 and Drupal 8.
The module allows news creators to build a list of linked items by dragging and dropping a url to a page. It uses oEmbed to analyze the source page, gather metadata and display a link, image or a youtube video if one is available.
Migrated the cimages.me and newshooks,com sites from Drupal 6 to Drupal 8.
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
cirm.ca.gov the website for the 'California Institute for Regenerative Medicine is a portal of information for stem cell researchers and patients. CIRMS goal is to accelerate stem cell treatments to patients with unmet medical needs. CIRM is the state of California agency that funds much of the Stem Cell Research in the US because the US government is unwilling or unable to fund this type of research.
Ongoing site development and maintenance on the cirm.ca.gov Drupal based website.
The site is now migrated to the Pantheon Cloud Infrastructure. There are Development, Testing and Production environments. Changes to the system are perfected on the Development and Testing environments and pushed to the Production system using the Pantheon Dashboard.
The site has been Hosted using the Acquia Cloud Infrastructure for the last few years. There were Development, Production and Staging environments. Changes to the system were perfected on the Production and Staging environments and pushed to the Production system using Linux GIT and the Acquia Dashboard. Performed routine maintenance tasks using Linux, Site Admin Control Panels and the Acquia Hosting Dashboard. When necessary requested infrastructure tech support by submitting an Acquia Tickets.
Created the CIRM Article Browser proof of concept page. The Article Browser allows really fast browsing thru a collection of 2000 Articles while slicing and dicing by Author, Keyword, Publication and Date. Data was extracted from various sources including web services and web page scraping of off site pages and stored in a native JSON Format. Designed, themed coded the Article Browser using Angular JS, Boot- strap and JQuery.
Theming and design on new Mega Menu which will be used by Desktop users for main site navigation. Used CSS and JQuery to achieve the requested Look and behavior.
Designed, Themed and Templated the Therapy Development Projects page and Drupal module.
Created a custom database Query to fetch the correct data. Themed the data to include the correct cus- tom progress bar image to display on each line in the HTML. Styled the page using CSS and JQuery.
Modified and refined the cirmruby Importer Drupal Module The module extracts grant, institution, person, publications info by accessing several REST web services and creates or updates current pages on the site. Updated the the cirmruby importer Module as new data fields are aded to the system. Added a Drupal Drush command so the module can be executed from Linux. Created Linux CRON jobs to run the import on a regular schedule.
Developed and refined the CIRM Grant Aggregator Module
The module extracts grant, institution and publications info by accessing several REST web services and places the data in local database tables. The module then slices, dices and aggregates the data and puts the resultant totals, links and other data onto the relevant pages on the site. For example on a researchers page it shows the number and total amount of grants they received as well as the Institution they are associated with and as well as a list of articles that were authored or co authored by the person. The module is available to be run and scheduled on Linux as a drupal Drush command.
Designed and developed the CIRM Grant Map Module. Added longitude and latitude fields to all the Institution pages. Developed a Google Map showing map pins and info windows for all the cirm grantees. Includes an Ajax Web Service that supplies the geographic locations, grantees names, and grant amounts etc.
Worked with Apache SOLR Implementation
Added the ability to index pdf files that are attached to some pages.
Worked thru a list of bug fixes and uncompleted development work after the site was migrated from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7.
Implemented several changes to improve site performance.
Worked on a small team to create a new adaptive and mobile friendly custom Drupal theme for the cirm website.
Re architected the daily chron tasks being performed on Acquia to operate remotely on Pantheon Developed custom tools to assist the resynchronization of web content related to the new theme. Developed custom tools to audit site and data consistency.
Experimented with the nagios monitoring system to monitor the firm site.
Instituted changes, repairs and updates to the system as needed.
bitvestinc.com BitVest is in the “Bitcoin Transaction Processing” (Mining) business and operates out of a secure data center located in Keflavik Iceland, “The Verne Global Facility”.
Managing 2,000 embedded linux systems that run the cgminer bitcoin mining application. The systems consist of 980 Cointerra Terraminer IV miners, 540 BitFury ASIC miners, 300 Spondoolie SP 10 and SP30
miners, 200 KNC Jupiter miners. Altogether they draw 2 Megawatts of power, thats equivalent to 20,000 100 watt light bulbs. They can perform approximately 2,000,000,000,000 hashing operations per second referred to as 2 petahash.
Developed a C++ reporting program that interfaces with the cgminer REST API and gathers summary data related to the operation of the cgminer program that is always running on each of the embedded linux systems. The web service program returns its data as JSON or on the linux command line when its executed by an admin.
Developed a C++ REST configuration agent client program that is installed on 540 embedded systems, and a c++ REST server program that runs on an ubuntu linux system. The clients contact the server on
a regular basis and change system configurations as directed.
Developed a php REST configuration server program that is used by 1500 embedded linux system clients. Given basic information the configuration server forms a configuration file for the particular client and returns it to the client.
Developed 16 Linux automation scripts using Expect, a linux automation scripting language. Created a php API to the automation scripts that executes over an ssh connection. The API and scripts are used to manage the reconfiguration of 2,000 embedded linux systems.
Developed several adhoc Bourne shell scripts as required to automate the administration of 2,000 em- bedded linux systems.
Designed and implemented a reporting system that integrates four disparate REST API feeds from the companies data suppliers and partners.
Developed a self service Web Based Interface to the Automation scripts that enables personnel to schedule and performs mass reconfigurations operations on large groups of systems with out being a linux admin.
Developed the companies initial Drupal web site, tasks included theming, module development and trou- bleshooting. Created several custom modules. Views, Blocks, Panes, and Custom Forms.
Created and provisioned linux Virtual Machines / Droplets on DigitalOcean as required.
Researched and experimented with bit coin block chain technology, bitcoin clients, mining programs, mining pools, mining proxies. Examined source code, built and tested programs.
Roles: Individual Contributor, Manager, CTO Platforms: Raspberry PI, BeagleBone Black, Linux VMs
Development Technologies: C++, Bourne Shell, Expect, REST, HTML5, PHP 5, Mysql 5, CSS, XHTML, Javascript, JQuery, AngurarJS, Bootstrap, Python, Web Services, nagios, Thruk, SSH Tunnel, SOCKS Proxy
Dose Of News
DoseOfNews.com NewsHooks.com
Dose of news delivers live news from thousands of RSS feeds on a users desktop or mobile device. Designed and developed the complete system infrastructure.
Categorized and organized news feeds.
Created the content outlines in OPML / XML.
Created a custom Drupal theme for Newshooks.com based on Bootstrap.
21 Zone Systems
21 Zone PowerBall and 21 Zone megamillions are Smart Quick Picker Web Applications.
Subscribers can use the tools provided to generate enhanced Quick Picks based on winning patterns. The App uses Fluid and Responsive Design patterns to adapt to the screen size of the users device wether its a phone, tablet, PC or TV.
Drupal Lottery Module
The lottery module provides a REST Web Service for generating semi random Power Ball Quick Pick choice based on patterns and other factors.
The Choose page allows a user to choose one of the 21 available patterns.
The Play page enables a user to add one or more random quick pick tickets using the chosen pattern.
The Edit page can be used modify a chosen ticket or aid the user in creating a new ticket utilizing their favorite numbers and choices while applying the chosen pattern.
The graphic user interface of the application is written in javascript and utilizes Drupal as a delivery mechanism and to manage subscriber access.
Drupal, PHP, PhoneGap, Cordova, Javascript, Ajax, jQuery, HTML5, CSS, MySQL, REST Web Service, Linux, Ubuntu, GIT, Digital Ocean Cloud., PayPal
Designed and Developed the Algebraixdata SPARQL Catalog Drupal module. The module extracts all the product information on a Drupal E-Commerce site and enter all into an Abgebraixdata SPARQL Server.
Created a Drupal site and several Drupal 7 Modules. Developed REST Web Services that provided internet storage and retrieval to an EmberJS based client system. Back end storage and retrieval used the Mongo NO-SQL database.
Enhanced the EmberJS client system.
Modified the EmberJS based client system's User Interface.
Developed a Drupal Customer Portal ECommerce System
The Drupal 7 Site my.algebrize.com incorporates all the following modules
to create a Portal site and a page for each customer to interface with the Algebrize System.
The Andomeda Drupal module provides unique site license identifiers for each customer site.
The Algebrize Site Info Drupal module is a REST web service providing Read access to customer data.
The Algebrize SMM Drupal module is a REST web service that provides ReadWrite access to customers SMM data.
The Subscription wizard Drupal module handles the signup of new sites and their credit card transactions
using recurlys recurring payment API.
The Algebrize Legacy Tagging interface Drupal module provide 4 types of posts to a legacy Semantic Tagging System.
The Algebrize Tagger module is a Semantic Markup Model Editor Drupal module for SMM 1.0 models. It creates the JSON data structure that drives the Algebrize system based on a Drupal taxonomy tree structure.
The Algebrize Tagger 20 Drupal module is a Semantic Markup Model Editor for SMM 2.0 models.
It creates a JSON data structure that drives the Algebrize micro data generation system based on a Drupal taxonomy tree structure.
Developed a distribution ready database image to be cloned to create each customers instance of the Algebrize web site Control Panel.
Created Drupal drush scripts to deploy each customers instance of the Algebrize web site.
Developed the Vocabularies module and contributed it to Drupal.org
The Vocabulary Drupal module implements a popup menu to choose a Drupal Taxonomy Vocabulary.
Designed and developed Shark Jelly Bot A HTML Page scraper that extracts fields from the web pages in a sites catalog. The extracted data was used to build schema.org JSONLD entries for each product page.
Designed and developed the Automated Schema.org micro data plugin. The plugin adds schema.org micro data to all the Posts in a WordPress site. The options page maps WordPress fields to the schema.org Article vocabulary. The Plugin lists and manages all the pages containing micro data HTML5 markup. Installed and Tested the plugin on two versions of WordPress.
Designed and developed Schema.org micro data plugin for Magento This plugin extracts product data and submits it to a web service for micro data formatting. The formatted micro data is then cached locally and rendered on each product page. Installed and Tested the plugin on nine versions of Magento.
Designed and developed Schema.org micro data plugin for Shopify This plugin extracts product data and submits it to a web service for micro data formatting. The formatted micro data is then cached locally and rendered on each product page. Installed and Tested the plugin on two versions of Shopify.
Designed and developed the Yahoo Microdata Extractor This plugin scrapes a Yahoo store catalog data and submits it to a web service for micro data formatting. The formatted HTML5 micro data markup is then prepared in a csv file for uploading to a Yahoo store catalog.
Designed and developed the Microdata Template Builder for RTML This plugin scrapes a Yahoo store’s catalog data and extracts the data fields being used. The fields in the Yahoo store are mapped to the Schema.org vocabulary and a custom RTML Template program is written which can be uploaded to the Yahoo store and executed every time a product page is shown, rendering HTML5 Schema.org microdata markup for that page. The microdata markup is read and recognized by the googlebot as a product for sale as opposed to just another page.
avascript, EmberJS, AngularJS, Drupal, PHP, Mongo DB, MySQL, Web Service, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Linux, GIT, AWS, CURL, Schema.org Product microdata, SimpleXML, JSONLD, Wordpress API, Shopify API, Yahoo RTML, SPARQL, RDF, RDFA
Developed a Drupal Back End Site to handle PayPal Instant Payment Notifications The EagleTrack IPN Module handles PayPal IPN traffic. All IPN messages are saved as posts in the system and can be reviewed by the sites owner. Subscription activations cause a welcome email with an activation code to be sent to new subscribers so they can access EagletrackGPS tracking services.
Impressive Technologies SmartWords 1
Converting the native IOS version of the SmartWords game to cross platform web browser based design that can run on phones, tablets, personal computers or television sets running
IOS, Android, Windows, Mac OS, Google TV, or any device with a web browswer. Touch screen operation is fully supported on IOS and Android. The game board which all runs in a web browser was developed in Javascript, CSS and SASS. The back end system which stores and retreives the games and handles navigation between multiple games with different players was developed using php and the Drupal Content Management System.
Created an adaptive mobile theme for the game board and other related pages that adjusts the size of the game board depending on the graphics capabilities of the viewing device.
Created a Drupal module to aid in the ajax data storage.
Created and themed several Drupal Views for game navigation & top 100 players list, etc.
Worked on the SAP Demo Store project. The Drupal web site lists all the SAP customer demo scenarios and assets so the sales team can easily find and use the data to conduct demonstrations to SAP's customers.
developed the data import Drupal module which keeps the sites 3,000 + pages in sync with the SAP ABAP back end using SOAP Web Services. Integrated the module with the linux CRON scheduling facility so data imports operate on a regularly scheduled basis.
Developed the Demo People custom sidebar Drupal module. Displays photos, user name and contact info for the team members with roles related to the demo.
Developed the Demo Landscapes custom sidebar Drupal module. Displays a list of demo landscapes that are related to the demo with links to the relevant systems.
Devloped the advanced SOLR search custom block module. Allows one to search the entire set of 3,300 demos using SOLR facets to narrow the search results.
Configured fields for Apache SOLR indexing, Created several Apachce SOLR search facets.
Devloped the check in services custom module. A RESTFUL web service for checking new demos into the back end SAP ABAP system.
Did theming, styling, custom module development and issue resolution as needed.
Impressive Technologies SmartWords
Enhanced the SmartWords Web Service. Created the SmartWordsInfo Web Service. Created three Java Programs for bulk emailing to system users.
ScheduAll hitch mobile scheduling application
Enhanced the hitch mobile scheduling application. Tasks included theming enhancements.
seriouslyorganic.com Organic Produce site
cimages.me City Island New York social networking site.
NewsHooks.com Social News Site. .
Set up and configured three new sites.
Tasks included creating Drupal Views, theming and site configuration.
sewingdistrict.com Sewing related social networking site
Designed and Developed the sewingdistrict.com web site.
tasks included theming, and module development. Created several custom modules. Imported ad hoc data into the system.
U.S. Small Business Administration
Designed and Developed various areas and elements in the sba.gov web site.
tasks included theming, module development and troubleshooting. Created several custom modules. Views, Blocks, Panes, and Custom Forms. Imported ad hoc data into the system. Developed zip code
radius search for lenders data. Added Section 508 compliance to several areas of the site. Created Taxonomy Vocabularies and taxonomy terms.
EMDR in action
Modified various areas and elements in the emdrinaction.com web site.
tasks included theming, and view development. Created several custom views.
Lebhar Friedman
Nation’s Restaurant News - online food service magazine Retailing Today - news for the American retailing industry Chain Store Age -news for chain stores and shopping centers Drug Store News – publication for the drug retailing industry
Designed and Developed the NRN User Import / Update Module. The modules purpose was to migrate NRN’s 200,000 subscribers to their new Open Publish web site. OpenPublish is a packaged distribution of the popular open source social publishing platform, Drupal, that has been tailored to the needs of today's online publishers. The NRN User Import / Update Module was written in PHP and uses MySQL and the Drupal libraries to import users into a Drupal system and create their individual profile pages. Added and changed fields in the user profile template as required.
Surveyed the user data being imported for inconsistencies and developed SQL queries to scrub and repair the data when necessary. Performed the User Migration procedure in an iterative fashion on a test system in order to identify and rectify further problems with the import data. Performed the User Migration procedure on the final production system.
Researched strategies and tools for reporting. Created a roadmap document outlining the best of breed strategies and tools. Created a document estimating the time required to create the requested reports. Installed created a sample report and tested the tools on the main development system for future inclusion on the final production system. Participated in daily SCRUM meetings with other team members. Created Linux shell scripts for automating repeated processes.
Implemented and themed three Drupal View blocks for NRN.com. The blocks display random products, recipes and multimedia from different sections of NRN.com. Implemented and themed 1 Drupal view page. The page displays a list of users including all their custom user profile fields. Themed the Visual User Interface Layout of twelve Newsletter pages for the new Retailing Today, Chain Store Age, and Drug Store News web sites. Also used the NRN Newsletter.
Gallery Automotive Group
bmw.car-community-boston.com Boston’s BMW Community
honda.car-community-boston.com Boston’s Honda Community mazda.car-community-boston.com
volkswagen.car-community-boston.com Boston’s Volkswagen Community
www.car-community-boston.com Boston’s Car Community Hub
www.gallerywerks.com Gallery Intranet discussion site
Designed and developed five social networking sites for the Gallery Automotive group of Norwood MA. Designed and developed an Intranet discussion site for designing and collaborating on features in all ten company web sites. All six sites were all developed using the Drupal Content Management System (CMS). Installed and configured the photo galleries, video galleries and news aggregators.
migrated photo, video, blogs, articles, news feeds, and users from the existing sites to the new Drupal sites. Researched and identified new Photo, Video and RSS Feed content and installed it on the new sites. Installed the Drupal Content Profile module and created a user profile template. Designed and created themes for all the sites.
www.managemy401k.com Site features investment advice for 401k plans.
Streamlined and re-designed the User Registration process for the three main products. Created form handlers to validate and capture data entered on the registration forms and save it. Also created three information request forms and form handlers. Installed and configured CAPTCHA to validate the three information request forms.
Decision Council
Developed a custom Drupal Theme component and Content Type for the CliniciansBrief.com web site. The Summary theme component displays teasers of all the pages that are its direct children. It creates the content on the section pages on the site that contain articles other sections.
Developed a custom Drupal theme for the CTO Edge, Business Intelligence Edge, Network Security Edge and Data Center Edge web sites. Created custom Drupal Views for the section pages using the Taxonomy terms and tags associated With each posting. Created a custom Drupal Module for generating five advertising blocks. Researched off the shelf modules that could be used for handling functional requirements. Installed configured and tested off the shelf Drupal modules.
Headstrong Media
www.colonhealthchecker.com Site features home health test.
www.themagicdrive.com Site features a yearly Windows technical support package.
Created two one page Drupal E-Commerce Site. Created a Drupal Theme for each site. Created two custom Drupal PHP and Javascript modules to facilitate purchasing items directly from the sites front page eliminating the step of using the sites
shopping cart page. Installed and configured Ubercart and PayPal pro.
www.managemy401k.com Site features investment advice for 401k plans.
Reorganized the site content. SEO Search Engine Optimizations included adding meta tags and renaming and moving pages. Added permanent page redirects for pages that were moved. Refactored some web applications and removed unused features and dependencies. Enhanced some Web applications, enhancements included creation of several database tables and related web pages for Creating, Viewing, Saving, and Updating new database records. Added several new pages to the web site. Restyled several existing pages. Created a new calculator page. Backed up the site and all of its databases and migrated the site to a new hosting provider. Configured the new server. recreated all the existing databases on the new site and copied all the pages and object files to the new server. Resolved all the problems and issues related to the site move.
Vista Satellite
Architected and designed a Web Site for selling subscription access to Women’s Soccer Videos.
Union Media
mysecuredkidz.com Site features GPS Tracking devices for kids, pets, cars.
telesales.mysecuredkidz.com Order taking site for tele sales representatives
tracking.mysecuredkidz.com Site features Live Live tracking of GPS locating devices.
Architected and Developed three web sites.Two employ the Drupal CMS the other one uses XHTML, CSS & Apache.
Carol King
carsolsdowntownsandiego.com Community site about on what to do in Downtown San Diego
carolkingrealestate.com Site featuring Downtown San Diego Real Estate
carolkinginvestments.com Site featuring Miami Real Estate
Architected and Developed three web sites.Two employ the Drupal CMS the other one uses XHTML, CSS & Apache.
Mid Forida Investment Properties
midfloridainvestmentproperties.com Central Florida Real Estate information
listings.midfloridainvestmentproperties.com Central Florida Real Estate Listings
Developed a real estate web site. It employs both the Drupal 6 CMS and the Open Realty System
thebestguard.com Burglar Alarm equipment and supplies
Added a specials page, a blog page as well as some navigation buttons. Worked with the Yahoo Merchant Solutions Platform
Legal Health Network
clergyabuseattorney.org Info about clergy abuse
floridajobinjurylawyer.com Info about on the job injuries in Florida
jobinjuryattorneys.org Info about on the job injuries
nursinghomeabuselawyer.org Info about nursing home abuse
ohiomedicalmalpractice.org Info about medical malpractice in Ohio
ohiopersonalinjury.org Info about personal injury law in ohio
sexualabuselawyer.net Info about sexual abuse law
sexualharrasmentlawfirm.org Info about sexual harassment law
workcompattorney.org Info about workers compensation law
workerscompensationlawfirms.org Info about workers compensation law
Developed and Populated nine web sites using the Wordpress 2.7 CMS. Architected and Developed and Populated one web sites using the Drupal 6 CMS.
www. journalismmatters.com
Architected and developed custom Drupal Modules for the web site.
forum.knowcancer.com web
Setup and customized two prototype web sites using the Drupal 6 CMS. Customized Drupal themes.
Architected and developed custom Drupal Modules for the web site.
slipmeon.com Sexy Lingerie Site
Architected, configured prototype web site using the Yahoo Merchant Solutions e-commerce Platform. Created and uploaded the initial catalog database.
Installed and integrated Google Checkout. Installed and integrated Paypal Checkout. Installed and integrated a speedy check out feature. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on the Budgetbatteries.com site to enhance Search Engine rankings. Evaluated Yahoo Merchant Solutions e-commerce Platform for use by budget batteries. Main criteria included platform speed and Search Engine Optimization. Migrated web site to a dedicated RHEL Server. Implemented a Web Service to handle the shipping calculations for Google checkout. Optimized Google sitemap for e commerce search ranking. Administered Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server.
www.puredigitalaudio.com Online magazine about Digital Audio
Worked on migrating the PureDigitalAudio.com web to the Drupal 6 Content Management System. Designed and created a database for Link Management. Designed and implemented a Client / Server front and data management and entry application for the Link management database. Designed and Implemented Drupal Modules for Link Management, Link Rating and Page Rating.
Interactive Groove
www.interactive.com Interactive Audio Player and Content
Jamlet.com Interactive Audio Content
JamBox.org Interactive Audio Open
Designed and developed the JamBox application and Jamlet architecture. JamBox is an Interactive Audio Player that plays a new type of audio media file called a Jamlet. Jamlets are smart media files, they contain one or more audio segments as well as scripted instructions on how and when to play audio or to display web pages in the built-in Web Browser. Kaleidoscopic Jamlets never plays the same way twice and will play forever if you let them. Interactive Jamlets can give you the capability to play along with the music on the keyboard or screen rather than being just a passive listener. Applications for Jamlets range from entertainment to education.
Designed and developed the InteractiveGroove.com, Jamlet.com and JamBox.org Web Sites.
The sites are for the distribution and sales of the JamBox player application and interactive Jamlets.
Porting the Jambox and Jamlet architecture to the Java J2EE , Flash , Windows Presentation Foundation,
Silverlight. , iPhone. Google Android.
www.grave guru.com Pre owned grave site auction.
Architected designed and developed sections of the GraveGuru.com Web Site.
IMC Property Management
Architected designed and developed the IMC Property Management Web Site. The Intranet site is for Miami based commercial real estate developer and property management company.
Longevity Connection
Architected designed and developed the LongevityConnection.com Web Site.
Vanderbuilt Properties
Upgraded internal electric utility billing web application. Application managed electric meter readings and utility bills for each tenant
Gerber Electronics
Designed and implemented an expanding menu bar for the Parts Browser on the Gerber Electronics Site. Designed and implemented the Parts Browser and Catalog on the Gerber Electronics Web Site.
Designed and implemented the Shopping Cart on the Gerber Electronics Web Site.
RTZ Software
Web Site Design and Development services for various clients and web sites.
Designed and developed of The Virtual Meeting, a low bandwidth media rich multi user conferencing system and groupware development environment. It consists of a suite of applications which create an interactive Multimedia communications environment that can be used to conduct presentations, meetings, lectures and classes between participants in many geographically dispersed locations. The system is designed to be used concurrently with an audio conference call. The person who has the floor in a Virtual Meeting can control the simultaneous presentation of slides, movies, graphics, images, documents, sound or video clips using the system. More...
Designed and developed JamBox an interactive multimedia player for non linear audio content called a Jamlet. More...
Designed and developed the P-Jam an interactive non linear audio Jamlet by Atomic Tangerine. More...
Designed and developed CyberLink a windows like Internet Shortcut for Apple Macintosh allowing organizing links in the Apple Finder instead of in your browser. More...
Research and development on the KnowledgeServer project. The KnowledgeServer integrates an AI Inference
Engine called CLIPS and a WebServer. The KnowledgeBrowser or user interface component of the system is dynamically generated as information is gathered from the user and rules are fired by the inference engine.
Atomic Tangerine
www.atomictangerinemusic.com Orlando Florida Band Web Site
Designed and developed the AtomicTangerineMusic.com Web Site.
Atomic Tangerine
Co Produced “You’re not Soul” Atomic Tangerine’s second CD.
Technologies: Analog mixing console, 24 Track Analog Tape Recorder, 16 Bit Digital Audio
Tools: SSL Mixing Console, Ampex MM-1100 Tape Recorder, Pro Tools Digital Audio Workstation
Sara’s Sexy Toys
Designed and developed the SarasSexyToys.com Web Site. Wrote PERL script for catalog display.
MyWebServer LLC
Designed the architecture of the MyWebServer system. MyWebServer is a personal web server, application server and advertising delivery system with a peer to peer network architecture. It is used by groups of friends or business associates to share and exchange files and collaborate with one and other.
Designed and developed MyWebServer.exe. MyWebServer.exe is the component of the system, which runs on each users computer and allows users to connect to it using a standard web browser. MyWebServer's connect to each other and communicate via HTTP Messaging to allow users to search all the servers in a workgroup cluster. Target platform Windows 95/98/2000/ME/NT. Designed the Graphical User Interface, Interfaced the system with PERL and PHP scripting engines. Developed the Application Installer.
Designed and developed the MyWebServer.org Web Site. The site is mostly static but there are some CGI scripts and programs for advertisement rotation. Designed the sites User Interface. Wrote PERL scripts for data entry, search, extraction, and update.
Bands R Us
Designed and developed the BandsRus.org Web Site. The site is an active registry database for bands and musicians. Wrote PERL scripts for data Creation, Reading, Update, Display, Search and Extraction.
Synergy Stained Glass
Designed and developed the SynergyStainedGlass.com Web Site. The site is mostly static but there are some CGI scripts.
Beckman Coulter Inc
Designed the GEN*S Password Management Server. The System is WEB application that issues temporary passwords for Service Department employees to use when logging into a customers site. Utilized the Dallas Semiconductors Smart Button for hardware security.
Enhanced the Instrument Simulator. The Instrument Simulator emulates a Beckman Coulter GEN*S Blood Analyzer and returns canned blood sample data to a GEN*S Workstation.
Enhanced the RCS System. The RCS System is a remote diagnostic tool used to gather information from laboratory instruments located at customer sites.
Designed the XML communications Architecture and implemented the communications interface between Coulter’s Advanced Data Management System (ADMS) and Orchard Software’s Data Review System (DRS). The ADMS and DRS systems are tools used by laboratory personnel to schedule and analyze the results of blood tests done using Coulter's GEN*S laboratory instruments.
Designed and implemented several automated testing tools for testing Orchard Software’s Data Review System (DRS). Development tools and technologies included: Visual C++ and PERL.


Dept of Environmental Resource Management
Worked on the migration of the Stormwater Accounts Receivable System (STARS) to a new host system.
IBM Corp - Internet Division
Worked at the Internet division of IBM in Fort Lauderdale. The Madison project was a pre-Napster secure Internet Music Distribution System IBM was developing in partnership with the major 5 Record Labels.
Developed an MPEG Advanced Audio Coding codec for the Microsoft Audio Compression Manager. The device driver integrates and encapsulates the MPEG AAC decompression code of Fraunhofer IIS from Germany. Developed the installer for the AAC codec.
Developed a debugging utility for Microsoft Audio Compression Manager codecs. The device driver traps all messages being fed to an ACM codec and logs them in a text file for later evaluation.
Designed and developed a DirectX filter for audio compression QA applications The COM module integrates and encapsulates an audio compressor/decompressor into a single DirectX filter.
Gallery Group
Worked on the BMW Gallery web site designed pages Designed and implemented a Windows NT Catalog Builder application that imports the BMW Gallery's inventory from a mainframe and creates summary and detail HTML web pages for each car.
Computer Curriculum Corporation
Worked on the CCC Story Painter application. Story Painter is an audio visual story authoring program for kindergarten thru second grade students. Designed the Graphic user Interface for and implemented the menu system. Added the Sound Recording and Playback features. Added support for the Smacker animation format. Development was done on Windows NT using and Source Safe. The Microsoft Visual C++ Cross Platform Development System allowed versions of Story Painter to be developed simultaneously for Windows NT/95 and the Apple Macintosh operating systems utilizing the same source
Worked on the CCC Teacher Assignment application.
Worked on the CCC System Installer application.
Story Painter
Apple Computer - Developer Support
Implemented the Sonar II Client application which is used to receive, reply to and track internet Email messages that represent questions , problems , and comments from Apples customers. Development was done using Aardvark an Apple internal database front end development environment based on MPW Rez. The system uses the Sybase SQL Server database to store Email messages and related data. Duties included Forms design and Front End development as well as some database development and administration. Also implemented some Hypercard XCMD’s in C++. Wrote PERL scripts for data conversion and reporting.

Apogee Technology
Worked on a GUI for the Apogee Digital Amplifier’s built in Audio Equalizer.
Sonic Solutions
Worked on porting the Sonic Solutions Media Net Administrator application from MacApp 2.0 to MacApp 3.0 Development was done in using MPW and the MacApp class library .

Fujitsu Software Corporation (FOSSI)
Worked on the Fujitsu / Compuserve Worlds Away virtual reality chatting system.
Worlds Away Virtual Space
Apple Computer - Advanced Technology Group
Implemented the Puppeteer II Authoring Application which is used to create multimedia titles containing simulations of computer human interactions.

RTZ Software
Designed and implemented The Virtual Meeting System for Macintosh a multimedia teleconferencing system consisting of 4 Applications Conference Gateway, Conference Server, WhiteBoard and QuickTime Movie and Slide Player.
Designed and implemented The Virtual Meeting System for Windows a multimedia teleconferencing system consisting of 4 Applications Conference Gateway, WhiteBoard, Current Speaker, and QuickTime Movie and Slide Player.
Designed and implemented The TVM Conference Server for Macintosh Using Apples Communications Toolbox for serial and network connectivity.
Designed and implemented The TVM Conference Server for Macintosh Using MacTCP TCP/IP for network connectivity.
Designed and implemented The TVM Conference Server for Windows Using Winsock TCP/IP for network connectivity.
Designed and implemented The TVM Conference Server for UNIX Using BSD socket TCP/IP for network connectivity. Target Platform: UNIX. Multi-Threaded Development was done using C++.
Added support for AppleScript, and AppleEvents to the TVM Conference Gateway Application. Designed and implemented The TVM Moderators application for Windows.
Added support for collaborative web surfing to the TVM Conference Gateway by integrating Netscape Navigator into the TVM system.
Designed and implemented RTZ Software's World Wide Web site at http://www.rtz.com. Duties included: html creation and conversion, graphics conversion and, system administration.
Designed and implemented Adobe Acrobat Plug Ins for collaborative mark up on top of Acrobat pages Designed and implemented a JAVA based applet for collaborative object oriented drawing .
Designed and implemented several JAVA based network testing simulators and emulators.
Apple Computer - Customer Support Division
Enhanced the operation of Info+ a data capture tool used at Apple to create and maintain the meta-data that refers to information resources. Info + is a HyperCard application.
Enhanced the operation of Bogart db a 4th Dimension client/server database used at apple for managing information resources.
Designed and implemented Free Paper a universal document reader for Macintosh and AppleSearch. Designed and implemented Free Printer a Macintosh print driver that creates Free Paper documents. Designed and implemented Free Advice a problem reporting application for Apple support Professionals. Lead engineer for the Blueprint project, a media-independent object-oriented content management system, within Apple’s Customer Services Division (CSD). Directly responsible for the implementation of the client and server applications. Macintosh Aardvark Client, DEC VAX Server running SYBASE.
Implemented the Personal Library Systems CPL Search Options screen of SWAMI. SWAMI is a client/ server text search and retrieval system.

Genentech - Scientific Computing Department
Implemented a HyperCard front end to a Unix system for an Emloyee Locator application at Genentech.
Created a HyperCard client application or front end to an INFORMIX database system for tracking tissue samples and cultures stored in Cryogenic Lab Freezers at Genentech.
Created a HyperCard data browser application using INFORMIX for a clinical lab test results and tracking system for the gp120 molecule project at Genentech.

Apple Computer, Inc. - Information Systems and Technology
Implemented the first Macintosh front end application at Apple to use MacAPPC Apples new IBM Mainframe to Macintosh communications system.
Designed and implemented a Macintosh front end applications to the IBM System/38 computers used at Apple for the Serial Number Gathering System used in the Apple distribution centers.
Performed an upgrade on a HyperCard database application used in the Apple Central shipping and receiving department.
Worked on a Problem Shipment Tracking System used in the Apple Distribution centers.
Implemented the Macintosh front end for the new order inquiry system to be used in the Apple Distribution centers.
Implemented a file processing Application and HyperCard Stack for the Price Protection program in Apples IS&T Sales dept.

Apple Computer, Inc. - Information Systems and Technology
Implemented the Aardvark GUI (Graphic User Interface) Builder, the major component of Aardvark’s development environment. Aardvark is system developed at Apple that allows high performance client server systems to be built very easily.
Demonstrated how Aardvark technology could be used to develop a Macintosh front end to a host database
system in about 1% of the time it took to develop the system it replaced without writing any code.
Designed and implemented HAT the HyperCard ACMS Toolkit. HAT is a set of HyperCard XCommands that allow high performance front ends to DEC’s ACMS transaction processing systems to be built very quickly and easily in HyperCard. Also implemented a sample application using HAT.
Designed and implemented MAT the MacApp ACMS Toolkit. MAT is a set of MacApp objects that allow high performance front ends to DEC’s ACMS transaction processing systems to be built very quickly and easily using Object Pascal and MacApp. Also implemented 2 sample application using MAT.
Designed and implemented a High level query strategy for ACMS desktop.
Worked on the VITAL desktop integration work group at Apple. Was instrumental in the design information gateway concept. VITAL’s communications strategy based on Apple Events ( Part of sys 7).



Computer Phone Solutions
Designed and Implemented MacPBX a desk accessory for the Macintosh and PC to PBX a TSR program for the IBM PC. These programs provided a Graphical User Interface to the features of a PBX system.
Duties included management, project management, marketing, sales, manufacturing and customer support.
Studio Master Systems
Designed and Implemented a suite of application programs: Studio Master Plus , Studio Master, Track Master, Outboard Master, Bill Editor, Studio Manager, Password Manager, Password Owner, Password Master, and the Studio Master demo program. These applications are used in professional recording Studios.
Received United States And Great Britain patents on the process of testing and measuring used in the Studio Master Plus system.
db Recording Studio
Designed the acoustical and electronic elements of db Recording Studios.
Supervision of the actual construction and installation of all electronic equipment. Managed the day to day operation of db Recording Studio and it's staff.
Sales of recording Services. Responsible for over 1 Million dollars in sales. One of the staff Recording Engineer / Producers at db Recording Studios
Studio Scrapbook
Modular Perfection
Designed a system of modular prefabricated acoustical walls and rooms for recording and mixing sound.
Modular Perfection Customers
Recording Studio Equipment Company
Sales and marketing of professional sound equipment. Responsible for over 10 Million dollars in sales.
Designed recording studios and the electronic systems that go into them for clients like : The Bee Gees , KC and the Sunshine Band, Bob Marley, and Island Records.
Managed the projects of installing of 27 professional recording studios. Supervised of the actual construction and installation of all electronic equipment and maintenance services for finished installations.
MCI Customers
- Bayshore Recording Studios
- Coconuts-Recording
- Compass Point Studios
- DB Recording Studios
- Far-Out-Music
- International Sound Studios
- James Last
- Middle Ear Studio
- Quadradial Studios
- Starke Lake Studios
- Studio One
- Studio Center Sound
- Sunshine Sound
- Telstar-Recording-Studio
- George-Terry
- TK-Records
- Triiad Recording Studio
- Tuff Gong Recording Studio
- Video Tape Associates
TK Productions
Recording and Production work for several TK Productions artists like KC and the Sunshine Band, Milton Wright and Betty Wright, as well as outside artists like Peter Tosh.
TK Records | Wikipedia
Henry Stone | Wikipedia
Henry Stone | YouTube
Henry Stone | Disco Music
TK Productions, The Independent’s Independent
TK Records | long play miami
T.K. Disco | Disco-Disco
Willie Clarke on the Rise and Fall of TK Records | Miami New Times
Henry Stone, fixture on disco scene, dies at 93 | AP News
Henry Stone, Fixture on Disco Scene, Dies at 93 | Billboard
Record exec, disco fixture Henry Stone dies at 93 | USA Today
Criteria Recording Studios
Worked on Album projects with The Eagles, The Allman Brothers Band, Wishbone Ash, Stephen Stills, The Band, Dr. John, The Meters, RAMATAM, John McGlaughlin, Grand Funk Railroad, J Geils Band, Black Oak Arkansas, Joe Walsh, Bill Wyman, KC and the Sunshine Band and George McRae
Awards: Received 1 Gold Record for Recording Engineering on the Grand Funk Railroad album
We're An American Band.