Cyber Link files are like Macintosh Finder Aliases except that they point to WWW files and documents instead of Macintosh Files and documents. They are small files that contain the WWW URL or Universal Resource Locator. When you click on one in the finder the Cyber Link application sends a message to your Web Browser telling it to go to that location.
Cyber Link files can be created easily. When you have found a location on the Web you would like to make a Cyber Link to use the New... menu command from Cyber Link¹s File menu to save the Cyber Link file to your hard disk.
You can also go to Cyber Link locations by using the Open... command in Cyber Links File menu or dropping a Cyber Link file icon on the Cyber Link applications icon in the finder. You can drop MacWeb URL files on the Cyber Link applications icon as well.
Are you tired of typing ³http://www.² and ³.com² every time you want to go to a location on the Web. The Go To Company Name... command in the Navigate menu may be just what you are looking for. If you type apple, sony, microsoft or rtz into the dialog box that appears your web browser will go the home pages for those company's. What is happening is Cyber Link is actually sending your web browser a message to go to Web URL Many companies arrange the names of their web sites in this same way so this menu command will work with all of them. The The Go To School Name... command will work the same way but will add a .edu¹ to the end of the URL instead of a .com¹.
If you are using Cyber Link with The Virtual Meeting and you have the conference floor you can control all the other conference attendees Web Browsers using Cyber Link. When you double click on a Cyber Link file Cyber Link will not only tell your Web Browser to go that location it will broadcast a message to all the other Web Browsers in the conference telling them to go to that location as well.
For more information on The Virtual Meeting visit the RTZ Software home page. You can do this by selecting the find Out More about The Virtual Meeting² command in the navigation menu. Or selecting the Go To Company Name... and typing in rtz.
Cyber Link is Copyrighted by Seth Snyder © 1995 All Rights Reserved.
Cyber Link is a Web Utility which is distributed as shareware. You are permitted to use it on a trial basis for up to 30 days. If you wish to continue using the product beyond that period, you are expected to pay a registration fee of $20 Cyber Link is shareware please support the shareware system by registering your software. Instructions on registering the software can be found by clicking on the register button in Cyber Links Initial screen. Registered copies of Cyber Link don¹t have any annoying Dialog boxes and respond to AppleScript.
Copyright 1996 by Seth Snyder All Rights Reserved
Last modified 3/24/96