California Institute for Regenerative Medicine the website for the 'California Institute for Regenerative Medicine is a portal of information for stem cell researchers and patients. CIRMS goal is to accelerate stem cell treatments to patients with unmet medical needs. CIRM is the state of California agency that funds much of the Stem Cell Research in the US because the US government is unwilling or unable to fund this type of research.

Ongoing site development and maintenance on the Drupal based website.

The site is now migrated to the Pantheon Cloud Infrastructure. There are Development, Testing and Production environments. Changes to the system are perfected on the Development and Testing environments and pushed to the Production system using the Pantheon Dashboard.

The site has been Hosted using the Acquia Cloud Infrastructure for the last few years. There were Development, Production and Staging environments. Changes to the system were perfected on the Production and Staging environments and pushed to the Production system using Linux GIT and the Acquia Dashboard. Performed routine maintenance tasks using Linux, Site Admin Control Panels and the Acquia Hosting Dashboard. When necessary requested infrastructure tech support by submitting an Acquia Tickets.

Created the CIRM Article Browser proof of concept page. The Article Browser allows really fast browsing thru a collection of 2000 Articles while slicing and dicing by Author, Keyword, Publication and Date. Data was extracted from various sources including web services and web page scraping of off site pages and stored in a native JSON Format. Designed, themed coded the Article Browser using Angular JS, Boot- strap and JQuery.

Theming and design on new Mega Menu which will be used by Desktop users for main site navigation. Used CSS and JQuery to achieve the requested Look and behavior.

Designed, Themed and Templated the Therapy Development Projects page and Drupal module.

Created a custom database Query to fetch the correct data. Themed the data to include the correct cus- tom progress bar image to display on each line in the HTML. Styled the page using CSS and JQuery.

Modified and refined the cirmruby Importer Drupal Module The module extracts grant, institution, person, publications info by accessing several REST web services and creates or updates current pages on the site. Updated the the cirmruby importer Module as new data fields are aded to the system. Added a Drupal Drush command so the module can be executed from Linux. Created Linux CRON jobs to run the import on a regular schedule.

Developed and refined the CIRM Grant Aggregator Module
The module extracts grant, institution and publications info by accessing several REST web services and places the data in local database tables. The module then slices, dices and aggregates the data and puts the resultant totals, links and other data onto the relevant pages on the site. For example on a researchers page it shows the number and total amount of grants they received as well as the Institution they are associated with and as well as a list of articles that were authored or co authored by the person. The module is available to be run and scheduled on Linux as a drupal Drush command.

Designed and developed the CIRM Grant Map Module. Added longitude and latitude fields to all the Institution pages. Developed a Google Map showing map pins and info windows for all the cirm grantees. Includes an Ajax Web Service that supplies the geographic locations, grantees names, and grant amounts etc.

Worked with Apache SOLR Implementation
Added the ability to index pdf files that are attached to some pages.

Worked thru a list of bug fixes and uncompleted development work after the site was migrated from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7.

Implemented several changes to improve site performance.

Worked on a small team to create a new adaptive and mobile friendly custom Drupal theme for the cirm website.

Re architected the daily chron tasks being performed on Acquia to operate remotely on Pantheon Developed custom tools to assist the resynchronization of web content related to the new theme. Developed custom tools to audit site and data consistency.
Experimented with the nagios monitoring system to monitor the firm site.

Instituted changes, repairs and updates to the system as needed.