Lebhar Friedman
Nation’s Restaurant News - online food service magazine Retailing Today - news for the American retailing industry Chain Store Age -news for chain stores and shopping centers Drug Store News – publication for the drug retailing industry
Designed and Developed the NRN User Import / Update Module. The modules purpose was to migrate NRN’s 200,000 subscribers to their new Open Publish web site. OpenPublish is a packaged distribution of the popular open source social publishing platform, Drupal, that has been tailored to the needs of today's online publishers. The NRN User Import / Update Module was written in PHP and uses MySQL and the Drupal libraries to import users into a Drupal system and create their individual profile pages. Added and changed fields in the user profile template as required.
Surveyed the user data being imported for inconsistencies and developed SQL queries to scrub and repair the data when necessary. Performed the User Migration procedure in an iterative fashion on a test system in order to identify and rectify further problems with the import data. Performed the User Migration procedure on the final production system.
Researched strategies and tools for reporting. Created a roadmap document outlining the best of breed strategies and tools. Created a document estimating the time required to create the requested reports. Installed created a sample report and tested the tools on the main development system for future inclusion on the final production system. Participated in daily SCRUM meetings with other team members. Created Linux shell scripts for automating repeated processes.
Implemented and themed three Drupal View blocks for NRN.com. The blocks display random products, recipes and multimedia from different sections of NRN.com. Implemented and themed 1 Drupal view page. The page displays a list of users including all their custom user profile fields. Themed the Visual User Interface Layout of twelve Newsletter pages for the new Retailing Today, Chain Store Age, and Drug Store News web sites. Also used the NRN Newsletter.