TVM The Virtual Meeting

Visual Communications Software for Macintosh and Windows Computers

QuickTime Movie / Slide Player For Windows

The QT Movie Player application allows a conference participant who has the floor of the meeting to control the playback of an Apple QuickTime Movie or Slide presentation. Movies or Slide presentations may be Loaded, Cued, Started, Stopped, Advanced to Next Frame, Backed Up to a Previous Frame, Enlarged, etc. A Pointer is included so the lecturer, moderator or any designated broadcaster may point to objects of interest in the Movie or Slide presentation. This action will cause an arrow shaped pointer to be displayed at that same spot in everyone's QuickTime window. Facilities are also provided to convert presentations created by any of the standard presentation packages like Microsoft PowerPoint or Aldus Persuasion to the QuickTime file format.

All the communications between the QuickTime Movie Players in a Multi Media Teleconference is handled by the Conference Gateway. The QuickTime Movie Player communicates with the Conference gateway using Windows Dynamic Data Exchange Messages

Copyright 1996 by Seth Snyder All Rights Reserved