TVM The Virtual Meeting

Visual Communications Software for Macintosh and Windows Computers

Conference Server

The conference server is a Windows application that broadcasts the messages it receives from participants in a multimedia conference to all the other participants in the conference. Connections can be made between the Conference Server and all the Conference Gateways in the system using the Winsock.DLL.Winsock.DLL's are available from Microsoft and other third parties to support connections using the TCP/IP protocol. Several conference servers can be linked to support very large conferences

On a Network you might use the WinsockDLL provided with Microsoft Windows 3.1 (Windows for Workgroups) to connect your Conference Gateway application with the Conference Server application. If your TCP/IP network is connected to the Internet people could connect to the Conference Server from all over the world. Anyone could connect to the Conference Server from home by using any Internet Access provideer with SLIP, PPP or unix shell access.

Copyright 1996 by Seth Snyder All Rights Reserved

Last modified 3/24/96