The Agenda Player is a HyperCard stack used to control the presentation of multimedia content. It runs agenda scripts that have been created as standard text files. These scripts contain commands that control HyperCard's execution of external or internal commands. Commands are available to show and control QuickTime movies, display PICT or MacPaint graphics files, display various forms of animation, display MediaTracks presentations, play screen recordings, play sounds directly or through MIDI synthesizers, control video disc players or VCR's, etc.
The Agenda Player can be used by the meeting coordinator or the lecturer to organize and control the execution of his presentation. At any point during a conference, the designated broadcaster may take manual control of the conference. By using the pull down file menu, QuickTime movies or pictures may be shown manually. There is also a command to load new agenda files.
The agenda files can be replayed later to review the original presentation or share it with colleagues. It might be desirable to distribute the Agenda Player and the agenda script along with the rest of the presentation and conference files so that attendees can keep a permanent record of the conference's presentations.
Copyright 1996 by Seth Snyder All Rights Reserved